Sunday, May 22, 2011

New Song :)

Posted a new song, this one is a little more on the dubstep side :) enjoy!

Ben Spremulli - Bad Day (CLICK HERE)


  1. This is so cool, you are just all-around talented aren't you?;) I'm a huge fan, and I love KD, I have all your music, I saw you in Celebration, FL and now I love you guys:) I have a KD blog,, thank you for answering my questions for it on youtube, I'm trying to get more followers. Thank you for your awesome music, you rock:)
    Your Fan, Marelle Cole:D

  2. Dude,this is sooooo cool;) u r too awesome,I loooove kd and u r an AMAZING guitar player! I also watched y'all in celebration fl and u rocked it! The guitar solo was soooooo good!
    Me and my sis(girl who commented below) own a kd fan blog the one and the only;) please please check it out!
    Thanks so much! A comment would be very appreciated!


  3. Hi KD,

    We our two teenage reporters, we write a Kicking Daisies blog(, and a music blog( and we were wondering if you were coming to North Carolina or Florida anytime soon? Because we would really like to get an interview. And it would also be a great oppurtunity to surprise our friend who is a huge KD and Ben Spremulli fan:) If we set up an interview we weren;'t going to tell her, and she would be so unbelievably happy!

    So please let us know, and thanks for your time, we love you guys:)
